
甘い[amai]: be sweet/be over-optimistic


It is an adjective that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”to be sweet”. It is used to express the pleasant taste of sugar, ...

しつこい[shitsukoi]: be heavy/insistent


It is an adjective. It has two meanings and they are always used in a negative way. The first meaning is “to be heavy“. It ...

気まずい[kimazui]: be awkward


It is an adjective that means "to be awkward". It is used when describing situations in which you feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or find it difficult ...

薄っぺらい[usupperai]: shallow


It is a adjective that is derived from "薄い". "薄い" is used when describing something that is thin or when the color/taste of something is ...

だるい[darui]: to feel sluggish


It is an adjective and it means "to feel sluggish". It is used when you feel very heavy and dull because you are tired or ...

まめ[mame]: to be diligent


It is a noun/an adjective verb and it means "to be diligent". It is used when describing someone who spares no effort to work hard ...

水臭い[mizu kusai]: be reserved


It is an adjective and it means "to be reserved". It is used to describe a person who is familiar to you but who tends ...

臭い[kusai]: smell/be hammy


It is an adjective and it means "to smell". It has other interesting meanings and they are commonly used. The first meaning is "to be ...

馬鹿馬鹿しい[baka baka shii]: be ridiculous


It's an adjective and it means "to be ridiculous". It is used when you feel that something is stupid or unreasonable, and it's worthless. It's ...

夢中 [muchuu] : be obsessed with


It is a noun/na-adjective and means “be obsessed with”. It is used when you think about someone/something all the time. “ハマる” is a verb and ...

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