Ep2 : Talking about their situation due to the spread of COVID-19

April 18, 2020

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Jenny and Allie are talking about their situation due to the spread of coronavirus.

  • Jenny : Finally, the governor made a request to only go outside for essential things.
  • Allie : Yes. That's the reason all employees will have to work from home from next week. When do you think that the spread of coronovirus will settle down?
  • Jenny : Experts said that it will end in a month if people reduce the amount of time they're in contact with other people by 80%.
  • Allie : I see. Even so, I think that we will have to refrain from going out until summer at least.
  • Jenny : Sigh...I'll be bored if I have to stay at home all day, but I have no choice.


  • 感染(noun)
    It means being infected with a virus/disease.

    • インフルエンザに感染した。
      I was infected with the flu.
    • 私のノートパソコンはウィルスに感染している。
      My laptop is infected with a virus.)
  • 落ち着く(verb)
    It means to settle down. It is used when something settles down or you feel calm.

    • 今週は仕事が忙しいが、来週には落ち着くだろう。
      I'm busy with work this week, but next week it will settle down.
    • コロナウィルスによって、最近株価は急激に変動している。株式市場が落ち着いたら、投資をするつもりだ。
      Due to covid-19 stock prices have been fluctuating so much lately. After the stock market regains stability, I’ll invest in stocks.
    • 家に居る時が、一番落ち着く。
      Nothing is more relaxing than to be at home.
  • 収束する(verb)
    It is the synonym of “落ち着く”. It is a more formal word but it is used only when something settles down.
  • 控える(verb)
    It means refraining from doing something. You may hear “外出を自粛する” on social media, which means “外出を控える”. “自粛” is a more formal expression that can be used for business conversation.

    • 太らないように、甘い物を控えている。
      I’m cutting down on sweets not to put on weight.
  • 家に居る(phrase)
    It means to stay at home.

    • 今日は予定がないので、一日中家に居るつもりだ。
      I don’t have any plans so I’m going to stay at home all day today.
  • 退屈(noun)
    It means to be bored. “暇つぶし” and 退屈しのぎ” are common phrases and mean to kill time.

    • あの先生の話は、いつも退屈だ。
      That teacher's lectures are always boring.
    • 暇つぶしに、ビデオゲームをしている。
      I’m playing video games to kill time.
  • 仕方がない(phrase)
    It means “it can't be helped”. Click here for more info!


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