気まずい[kimazui]: be awkward

July 19, 2020

It is an adjective that means "to be awkward". It is used when describing situations in which you feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or find it difficult to deal with.

Meg and Amy went to the same party last night, but they didn't see each other.

  • Meg: Were you really there yesterday?
    Amy: Yeah, but I also couldn't find you. There wasn't anyone I know and I had to talk to someone I don't know. It was awkward.
    Meg: Same here. And I was the only one in a casual dress. That felt uncomfortable.
Ken was assigned a new project and he is complaining about his team.

  • Leo: How is the new project going?
    Ken: I’m not really used to my team. I'm the only guy in 10 members. I feel like I don’t fit in.
    Leo: Lucky you!
    Ken: No way! There is my ex who I broke up with last month. Hmm, I feel like there has been an awkward tension between me and her.
    Leo: If I could switch with you, I'd love to join the team. Hahaha..
